Front-end and ruby on rails developer
I'm currently using Inertia.js + react + rails to build a sample project provided by Inertia's official website, I use two sets of UI, one is...
使用turbo8快速开发单页面效果的网页应用 · Turbo 8 简化了实时更新 Rails 应用程序的开发。通过最大限度地减少手动编码 Turbo 帧和 Turbo 流响应的需要,它比以前的版本实现了巨大的飞跃。这一进步简化了 Rails 应用程序的创建和维护,使您的工作效率更高。 如果您不熟悉...
Have you ever encountered the following scenarios, why setTimeout will be executed after Promise? It is obvious that the code is written before...
The problem I'm having is: after resetting the form with useForm's reset(), the data still doesn't change! import { useForm } from...
I have many years of experience in front-end development and am currently on my way to full stack, choosing Ruby on rails as my full-stack framework....
我有多年的前端开发经验,目前在朝全栈的路上前进,选择了Ruby on rails作为我的全栈框架。虽然自从去年rails7的到来,hotwire在ralis上可谓是大放异彩。我有想把它收下发挥的写很少的javascript 来完成前端交互渲染的工作。但是由于多年的前端开发,...